Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Greetings is something my mom and her mom always said and now here I am saying it too.  
Funny how we say our entire life we will "never be like mom" and then here we are...just like our mom!
Speaking of being a daughter Mal is the reason I am now blogging.  She designed this blog and sent it to me and told me I am good at expressing myself after I told her I was a terrible writer.  So ..... this is all her fault.

This all got me to thinking when I saw the way she designed this well as the title she gave it.  This must be one of the ways she sees me as her mom...a bloom where you are planted kind of gal.  Today I actually took that test on facebook that tells you what kind of person you are.  Why is it we believe those stupid tests.  Especially when they lie to you in ways that make us feel like we are REALLY IMPORTANT AND SPECIAL.  Today I was told I was like Alexander the Great , Tom Hanks and even Weird Al.  My ego was a getting a little big until I came back down to earth with a phone call from Jack C.  asking me what I was cooking for dinner tonight and why the bill from the florist was soooo high this month.  Oh well....
The day ends with me sitting here loving that Mal not some quiz out there describes to me in a lovely way how she views her mother.   Fun colors of flowers that bloom in a window for all the world to see. 

Now that is a tall order to fill on a daily basis.  

It is hard to bloom sometimes when you are planted in hot humid weather of 107 degrees.  It is hard to want to cook , exercise, smile , even walk outside and water the plants.  
Yesterday I  got out to go and purchase a candle at my favorite stop ...Vida...
As I walked in I said to the owner who had not seen me in quite some time, WEll I decided to get out in the heat anyway.

He replied, You can't stop living!  

Where have you stopped living, blooming, loving , sharing, caring?  Where have I?
I am thankful my Mal reminded me of my very words that remind her of me to Bloom Where I Am Planted!



  1. Love your post....such a good little reminder in the hot hot summer!! You definitely bloom where you are planted better than anyone I know. You are so fun...LOVE YOU!!! -mal

  2. I can't wait to read more! I think that you do an amazing job at writing and expressing yourself. I am glad Mal started a blog and started one for you too :) I had lunch with her today and we talked a lot about the bloggy world and the excitement of getting to know each other better through it! Keep writing oh and you have an amazing daughter :)
